FX Denoise v.1.2

Last update: 27.05.2021

Description: This is the FX Tree node for denoising images, which rendered by ray-traced renderer (Arnold, Cycles, LuxRender, Indigo Render and so on). This node implement Intel Open Image Denoise library.

Download: FX Denoise archive, sources on the GitHub

How to install: Nodes for FX Tree can't be installed by using general *.xsiaddon file. Instead you should make the following steps:

How to use: Step 1: switch layout to Compositing

Step 2: add node for loading image by choosing Ops - Image - File Input

Step 3: select any image. Switch it Type to RGB and Bit Depth to float. Also you can add additional albedo pass and normal pass

Step 4: add denoising node by choosing Ops - Plugins [U] - FX Denoise

Step 5: connect loaded images to inputs of the denoising node. The first input is for color (beauty pass), second for the albedo (diffuse color pass) and the third for the normal. Denoising node contains five parameters: