UV Packer for Softimage

Last update: 09.03.2021

Description: this is connector between Softimage and standalone UV Packer application for Blender

Download: UV Packer for Softimage addon v.0.91

How to install: install as usual addon for Softimage.

How it works: this addon works in the same way as addon for Blender. It contains from two parts. The main part is standalone application UV-Packer-Blender.exe This application can be freely downloaded from the official site. The second part of the addon is connector between Softimage and this standalone application. This connector gets a data from objects inside Softimage, pass this data into application, wait the answer and then apply changes to objects inside Softimage.

How to use: select any number of polygon mesh objects and call the command Get - Property - Texture Projection - UV Packer.

In most cases parameters in the window are the same, as in Blender addon. So the official documentation will be helpful.
